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Synergy Learning Academy is an independent, coeducational, nonsectarian school offering a comprehensive education for the whole child. read more
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Class Room – Soft carpets, comforting family photos, colorful toys—everything’s so cozy! Effective teachers design classrooms that are organized and familiar and that encourage children’s learning.
Toddlers use their senses to explore materials—objects to bang and make noises with, sand to scoop, and playdough to squeeze.
Chairs, tables, and shelves are sturdy, safe, and the right size for children so they can be more independent.
Teachers read simple stories to children and provide sturdy board books for toddlers to look at. The books reflect the children’s languages, cultures, and families.
Teachers read simple stories to children and provide sturdy board books for toddlers to look at. The books reflect the children’s languages, cultures, and families.
Teachers read simple stories to children and provide sturdy board books for toddlers to look at. The books reflect the children’s languages, cultures, and families.
Cognitive development is your child’s ability to make sense of the world around him. It includes memory, language, thinking, and reasoning. Classrooms are set up so toddlers can learn to how to solve problems by sorting objects, doing puzzles, taking things apart and fitting them back together, and so much more! Teachers offer children a range of activities and experiences that inspire and challenge them, from building on their curiosity
Teachers model behaviors like sharing and apologizing so toddlers can learn by example. They give your child opportunities to try new social skills and to try doing things for herself. Teachers encourage children and help them express their feelings in positive, healthy ways.
Play Ground – For many kids, recess is the best part of their day. For others, it may be the only time they get to enjoy active play. Outdoor play is one of the best ways to encourage healthy living for kids. Some children do not have access to outdoor play equipment once they go home. With the advent of new technologies like cell phones and video games, it can be hard to motivate kids to get outside and move around.
Play Ground – For many kids, recess is the best part of their day. For others, it may be the only time they get to enjoy active play. Outdoor play is one of the best ways to encourage healthy living for kids. Some children do not have access to outdoor play equipment once they go home. With the advent of new technologies like cell phones and video games, it can be hard to motivate kids to get outside and move around.